First login

On this page, you will log into Aeolus, be introduced to the main parts of the web based interface, and change the administrator password.

1. Web based interface

After Aeolus has been initialized, with any firewall updates done, you are ready to use the web interface.

Open the following address in your web browser (any modern one), using the name of your Aeolus server instead of “server_name”:


USEFUL INFO: Aeolus is really several pieces of software that work together. “Conductor” is the web based user interface piece.

If everything is working properly, the initial login screen will appear:

Initial login screen - click to view at full size in a new

Login now, using the default administrator details set by aeolus-configure:

       Username: admin
       Password: password

We’ll change that password in a few moments, after introducing you to the major parts of the Aeolus interface.

2. Welcome screen

Once you’ve logged in, the main Aeolus web interface appears:

Initial welcome screen - click to view at full size in a new window

The important parts are:

Section tabs

These are the “MONITOR” and “ADMINISTER” tabs in the screenshot.

  • Clicking the Monitor tab switches to the Monitoring view. This is where the status and progress of your virtual machines is shown.

    NOTE - This view is the default when you log in. Clicking on Monitor when you’re already in this view has no effect.

  • Clicking the Administer tab switches the view to general configuration settings.

Section tabs - click to view at full size in a new window


This is the middle of the screen, from the “Overview” title bar down. It includes everything down to (but not including) the page footer. The title, options, and content in this area change as you perform different tasks in Aeolus.

View - click to view at full size in a new window

View options

Some views, such as Monitor Overview, let you choose how data is displayed. Conductor presents two views— detail view and pretty view. Pretty view is represented by the “eyeball” icon and is the default view. It represents a graphical overview of content. Detail view is represented by the “table” or “grid” icon, and presents a more detailed view of content. In some cases, detail view will present some controls that are not present in pretty view. For now, we will stay in pretty view.

View options - click to view at full size in a new window

View commands

View commands represent action buttons based on the objects you are viewing. Depending on the page you are on, these actions may include creating a new pool, deleting a user, launching an instance, etc.

View commands - click to view at full size in a new window

User options menu

The user menu contains actions for the currently logged-in user, including the ability to edit your account preferences and to log out.

User options menu - click to view at full size in a new window

3. Change the administrator password

In the top right corner of the interface, click on the silhouette button next to “aeolus user”. The user options menu will appear.

Then click “My Account”. This is a shortcut to your user information view in the Administer sections’ “Users and Groups” area.

User information shortcut

Click the “Edit” button on the user’s business card.

User information view - click to view at full size in a new window

This loads the “Edit User” view:

Edit user view - click to view at full size in a new window

Change the password now, using the “Change password” and “Confirm password” fields.

If you want, also change the First name, Last name, and E-mail fields.

Click the “Save User” button when you’re done. A message confirming the change should appear:

Message indicating user update was successful - click to view at full size in a new window

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